Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A whole week has passed since I last posted. A week where I have worked hard at getting my Blackbird manuscript into shape. I've juggled with the time line; had scenes that were set in winter that I've had to change to summer, deliberated over which scenes are important and which can go. Said good bye to a couple of characters and stepped up the importance of others. And I've blended a few scenes together too. They have been the most fun. Upping the tension and drama, moving the story along at a much better pace.

Last night I finished writing out the new plan on a time line then wrote a post-it note for every scene. I found when I was doing NaNo last year that this is what works for me. I stick the post-it note on the wall in front of me and write that scene and nothing but that scene.

 Now I have to knuckle down and write. I haven't got as much free time as when I did NaNo, but I am determined to get this story finished.

Today's scene involves a ride into town, the surprise purchase of something very special, then finishes with a heart stopping episode.



  1. Don't you just love those post-it notes! Enjoy your writing week.

  2. OOOh! Teaser! Can't wait to read it, it sounds great.

  3. Joanne and Pen, thanks for your encouragement.

  4. So pleased the writing is flowing Sue - it's a great feeling!
