Saturday, June 5, 2010


 It's almost a week since I last blogged and I've been trying hard to think of something to say. I may have Blogger's Block. The thing is, nothing interesting, outstanding, or even writerly or bookish has happened.

The week started with a rather foolish declaration that I would give myself two weeks to finish tweaking and polishing my manuscript, so I could print it off and send it to my beta readers. Soooo...

Saturday: We became victims of the heavy rainfall. Nothing too drastic. I would use the word 'seepage' rather than 'flood', but we are now the owners of a very stained dining room carpet. Thank goodness for insurance.

Sunday: I think I got a couple of hours of writing in.

Monday: Perhaps the highlight, yes, definitely the highlight of the week. I spent it with my writing buddy. 

Tuesday: I tweaked and I polished. ( The book, not the house - although it probably needs it.)

Wednesday: A dear friend, my writing buddy, was rushed to hospital. I've been in constant contact with her - thank goodness for txt's, and I am happy to say that she is now on the mend and hopefully will be returning home tomorrow. 

Thursday: Quilted with another dear friend. We are halfway through making a quilt for a raffle to raise funds for the youth group.

Friday: Under the realisation that my self inflicted deadline was never to be met, I joined a group of friends for morning tea. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I did enjoy myself.

The moral, of course, is instead of making rash decisions and promises, just sit down and do the work!
At present I have four complete clear days next week to work on my book. I wonder what life will throw at me? 

Oh, I just realised. I don't have Blogger's Block anymore.


  1. Hehe. Good on you. I think you shrugged off that Blogger's Block very effectively. ;)

  2. Your week sounds very busy with plenty to tell. Look forward to more. :)

  3. Thank you for your kind comments ladies, and thank you for stopping by so regularly.
